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Hotel Aitana

Creative Pills IrunLab 2014 (2)



Hotel Aitana. Hotel located in Irun (Gipuzkoa)



To attract customers arriving at Hendaya station (France).



Ezmugak. Ezmugak promotes participatory and collaborative cultural projects based on critical thinking and dialogue.

Artist Training: Eñaut Elizegi



At first, learn about the owners’ sensibilities, how they view the business and its environment by observing the daily routine in the hotel and, above all, the flow of people between both sides of the bridge.

An interesting starting point to examine would seem to be both the means of transport, especially trains, and the bridges linking both banks of Bidasoa. The hotel is located in an area that is defined by the conflux of many identities, with specific features of a non-place attempting to develop and modernise itself, a space with a major symbolic, historical load.



IrunLab is promoted by Irun On, Irun City Council, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Bidasoa activa.


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