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Hotel ETH

Creative Pills IrunLab 2014 (1)



Hotel ETH. Irun. Gipuzkoa.



To understand why the hotel has such negative opinions about it on various websites when internal surveys are positive and the hotel has a high percentage of loyal customers who are very satisfied with its services and location.



Albert Soler creates and develops projects connecting culture, communication, education and social awareness. On a more personal level, he has always been associated with amateur theatre companies and the world of performance.

Artist Training: Irene San José



The starting point will be to experience the hotel as a guest in order to record “new customer” perceptions as a lived experience.

Following this, participatory dynamics will be organised with the hotel staff to identify moments and actions that will help them improve customer perception and experience.


IrunLab is promoted by Irun On, Irun City Council, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Bidasoa activa.


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