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Hotel Urdanibia

Creative Pills 2014 (2)



Hotel Urdanibia. Irun (Gipuzkoa).



To rethink the area where the swimming pool and outdoor dining areas were previously located. Through the artist’s proposal, to generate internal debate among all hotel workers to make the most appropriate decision.



Ainara Martín has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from UPV. She is a cultural activist whose work proposes creative participatory methods in areas where there is disaccord. She has worked in both public and private fields in sectors and areas as diverse as communication, fashion and design, entrepreneurship and education. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis on fashion and social technology and performs textile hacktivism under the name of AmonaTela.

Artist Training: Amaia Olariaga



The working methodology is to initiate a research/action plan about the space that is to be improved by analysing three levels: the space’s potential, experiences in other hotels and potential involvement of the people working in the hotel.

The goal will be to see what possibility there is of arriving at an open place in which micro-experiments are generated for customers. Creative ethnography will be the key tool for this project.


  • IrunLab is promoted by Irun On, Irun City Council, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Bidasoa Activa.



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Methodology recognised by the European Union as a Good Practice
for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

N.I.C.E. Award 2014
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