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Ideable Solutions

Creative Micro Pills EkintzaLab 2012


Ideable Solutions is a factory that receives ideas as its raw material. It studies, analyses, selects, shapes, forms and converts them into IT products that serve to improve people’s lives, because Ideable Solution’s ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of people by using new technologies as a tool: “technology for human beings”.



To systematise creativity and innovation, to channel creativity in both devising new products and making them attractive to users and to innovate in communicating its philosophy and its products.



Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas (VIC) is an open collaborative project aimed at promoting, disseminating, analysing and supporting critical initiatives and processes with the proactive spirit of citizens, with special emphasis on transfers to the territory, city and public space. The goal of Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas is to create updated links in society, listening, studying and proposing routes on specific situations and helping to reunite theory and practice.



To reflect on the tools needed by user communities by establishing a map of “citizen priorities” and redefining the way the transfer of social innovation to the public space is facilitated.



The action framework agreed upon between Ideable, a technology services company, and VIC, an open platform dedicated to social innovation and its transfer into the public space, has been an ongoing project called “Eldersarea”. A technological platform revolving around the elderly is being designed with Eldersarea to provide specific services to this group in a manner that is simple and convenient for them.

Faced with an overly technological and business focus, the creative pill served to integrate social concerns within the project’s calendar of milestones and development, so that a community associated with this platform can be created in parallel to the product’s development. A community that will generate expectations, provide ideas and collaborations and communicate and integrate other initiatives, thus creating synergies within a more holistic process.

To do this, the proposal was to transform the project’s model to change form closed innovation and timeline of technological-business milestones to open (community) innovation that could also be extrapolated to all Ideable projects in the future.
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Video Summary

EkintzaLab is promoted by the Bilbao Ekintza with the support of SPRI (Basque government).


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