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Creative Pills


The Creative pills trigger a creative impact that helps to rethink and refocus strategies, processes, products, relationships or business models, among other issues


The Maxi Pills are mainly aimed at SMEs, economic promotion and development agencies, clusters, professional associations, etc. and last two-four months from beginning to end of the process.


The organisation collaborates for a period of two months with the artist, who in turn is present in the company for a minimum of two-four days during this time. The remainder of the collaboration process is done online.


This format encompasses a methodology session and a day to present results, while conducting an OpenLab is optional. 


The process begins by defining the challenge or starting point of the research that the company wants to conduct. In this type of format, the artist is chosen by directly inviting an artist who has already previously worked with Conexiones improbables to prepare a proposal on how he or she would tackle the challenge posed by the company.


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An initiative by

Methodology recognised by the European Union as a Good Practice
for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

N.I.C.E. Award 2014
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