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Plan Cuatro

Creative Pills IrunLab 2014 (2)



Plan Cuatro is printing, it is design, it is internet and it is graphic decoration. Four plans, four service groups to offer private companies and individuals.



To promote the various services on offer from the same workspace, strengthening the use of a large showcase of services.



Maider López graduated in Fine Arts from UPV and obtained a Master of Art and Design from Chelsea College, London. Some of her work includes: 51st Venice Biennale; CaixaForum, Barcelona; Guggenheim Bilbao ; SCAPE Biennial of Art in Public Spaces, New Zealand; Line of Sight, Zendai MoMA Museum, Shanghai; Centre Pompidou, Metz.

Artist Training: Andrea Mendinueta



Search for new viewpoints about the work of Plan Cuatro. This will be done by attempting to emphasise or decontextualise a specific element of its work to enable new perspectives and to strengthen skills and basic attitudes of their project.


IrunLab is promoted by Irun On, Irun City Council, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa and Bidasoa activa.


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Methodology recognised by the European Union as a Good Practice
for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

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