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Creative Pill Tourism San Sebastian 2017



San Sebastián Turismo-Turismo Donostia. Municipal public company whose task is to promote, develop and strengthen economic and social activities that directly or indirectly contribute to boosting the development of tourism in the city’s metropolitan area.



To stimulate and inspire the tourism sector in order to innovate both work and production methods and also the creation of new products and services by employing a more open, creative, shared attitude.



Juan Azpitarte. He has a degree in Fine Arts from the national school of fine arts in Bordeaux (France) and works in various disciplines ranging from sculpture to installation, graffiti to urban intervention, performance actions to editorial projects or writing to single channel video and video installation. Alongside his artistic production work, he also develops training and educational programmes in the visual arts and cultural revitalisation projects within various contexts.



The artist suggests undertaking a series of individual and group workshops/encounters structured around the elements pertaining to the challenge. He aims to use photographic imagery and video in order to create a framework of observation and awareness on these issues and their relationship with each individual. The idea is therefore to identify personal aims in each individual context, working the body, words and image of each participating agent through the use of audiovisual tools.

Juan Azpitarte has previously worked on issues related to tourism in Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca and this has increased his awareness of the various arguments in the general debate on tourism.



The Creative Pill generated various results in such a way that steps will be taken in the future, such as creating participation channels for the company members of San Sebastián Turismo, offering experiences to a young audience so that it can revisit the city and organising a photography competition aimed at acquiring ideas that use the weather as a potentially attractive element (given that the conclusion was reached that adversities must take advantage of in order to transform them into opportunities, so that the bad weather in Cantabria can become an attractive distinguishing feature). The need was also identified to produce a communication strategy in which the views of other sectors would be incorporated.




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