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Creative Pill 2019



Monte Albertia Integrated Vocational Training Institute is located in Zarautz and offers four advanced and intermediate training programmes. Its medium degree courses include technician in hairdressing and capillary cosmetics and technician in aesthetics and beauty, while its higher degree courses include senior technician in integral aesthetics and well-being and senior technician in styling and hairdressing management.



To create tangible and intangible tools so that the existing good relationship among staff working at the centre is maintained during heavy workloads.



Pez Estudio is a creative cell formed by two architects in 2007. The pair creates different working teams by introducing experts specialising in the project they are developing at the time. They are interested in the creation of societies with minimum material and energy consumption, the ability of citizens to participate and decide design processes at all levels, the impact of contemporary economic changes on a city, the lifestyles of people and production systems, and the incorporation of non-standardised techniques and technologies, either from recovering traditional and intelligent constructive systems or integrating digital media to improve design qualities. 

Artists training: Goretti Aranburu e Idoia Lertxundi



Pez Estudio’s idea is based on carrying out a process that can help the teaching staff to generate spaces for expanding and relaxing in order to remain excited about their work while at the same time maintaining a good relationship between teachers and students. In order to achieve this, it will generate tools for participation and involvement in the group from the very start by co-creating tools for change that will allow them to identify their individual and collective problems, learn from their possibilities and create new dynamic opportunities. These tools may assume various forms in their application: from functional and behavioural dynamics to organisational systems, spatial redesign, physical or visual artefacts for monitoring and interacting with the group. The objective is to generate these tools of change and put them into operation as a team.



Work was done on three thematic levels: visibility and growth of the centre, internal organisation and space. A list of desires (that go beyond the needs of the centre and its teaching staff) was produced by using various creativity dynamics and two lines of work were agreed upon: a “vital panel” and a departmental plan to organise the space and its management times.



Two results were generated. On the one hand, creating what was dubbed a “vital panel” on which each teacher at the centre can indicate the projects he or she is working on at any given time, so that the rest of the teaching staff can see each person’s workload. An “emotion thermometer” is part of this vital panel in which each person indicates how busy they are, in such a way that it helps their colleagues to see whom they can call on for new projects. This, therefore, is a result of internal communication.

On the other hand, a departmental plan to organise the space and its management times was also created. A script was drawn up that included specific actions through which to improve the space reserved as a dining room in order to achieve the goal of creating a common meeting point and encouraging relationships beyond those maintained in strictly professional activities.

Also planned for the future is work on the list of desires that was drawn up in order to progressively implement actions.





El proyecto se enmarca dentro del programa “Impulsar la promoción económica de Gipuzkoa a través de la contribución de la perspectiva comarcal” de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y cuenta con la financiación del ente foral. 


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for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

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