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Madrid, 2018/12/14, Conexiones improbables aurkezpena Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Barcelona, 2018/12/13, Think up Culture Organised by  CCCB

Bari (Italy), 24/10/2018, Innovation, Research, Competences: the challenges for creative and cultural industries Round Table.

Barcelona, 25/10/2018, “ Culture and Bussines: connections, benefits and opportunities” Round Table. Organised by the Fundaciò Catalunya Cultura

Amorebieta (Bizkaia) 04/10/2018, Workshop con Euskalit

San José de Costa Rica, 2018/04/07, Workshop "Senda improbable de Innovación" en el Foro Vitamina C, II Foro Regional de Industrias Creativas y Culturales. Expopyme 2018

San José de Costa Rica, 6/04/2018, Conferencia en el Foro Vitamina C, II Foro Regional de Industrias Creativas y Culturales. Intervención en la mesa sobre "Experiencias y buenas prácticas internacionales". Expopyme 2018

Valencia, 2018/01/25, Workshop Conexiones improbables, encuentro del sector cultural y empresarial. Organised by por Fundación Equipo Humano.

Oviedo, 2018/01/10, Workshop improbable e Innovation Path, Organised by Innova Asturias.

Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno de Las Palmas (Canarias), 2017/12/28-29. Presentation Conexiones improbables   Campus de Arte y Turismo. Mesa: Arte e Innovación en el espacio turístico. Organized by EspacioGuía

París, 2017/12/20 Abrir: Art et mutations critiques, quels enjeux par l'art et pour le management? Presentation Conexiones improbables. Organized by Dauphine Université y Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne.

Gijón, 2017/11/ 28-29, Jornadas Resiliencia y Resignificación. La transformación de la gestión de las culturas de proximidad. Presentation Conexiones improbables and participation in the Workshop "Nuevos Espacios para la creación y la participación". Organized by Gijon City Council.

Bilbao Azkuna Zentroa, 21/11/2018 Presentation Conexiones improbables  Creando valor en la era multimedia: innovación y espacios colaborativos intersectoriales como claves de éxito. Workshop "Colaboración intersectorial: oportunidades de negocio". Organized by Eiken.

Ámsterdam, 2017/09/14, NXT Conference Making a Living from the Arts. Social impact and social innovation.

Cadiz, 2017/07/14, 68 Edition of the Summer Courses of the University of Cadiz. Participation in the discussion table "University, Culture and city seen by the technical leaders".

Valencia, 2017/07/03, CreativeWear: Creative Clothing for the Mediterranean Space, a journey to promote the connection between cultural and creative activities and the textile and clothing sector. Organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia.

Madrid 2017/04/20. Reina Sofia Museum,”Transformation working session” Discussion table about artist in residence projects. Organized by the Department of Education of the Museum.

Madrid, 2017/03/22, 1st European Creative Hubs Skills Workshop. Presentation Conexiones improbables. Organizated by La Factoría Cultural.

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Card Game


Methodological card game


The aim of the methodological card game “Taking on the improbable” is to consider methodologies, attitudes and aptitudes for innovation, with the idea or sharing predetermined statements and expressing new ones. It helps us to discover our (sometimes hidden) capabilities, intuitions, skills, fears, prejudices, values, etc. when it comes to posing social and organisational challenges. Taking on the improbable is a game conceptualised by artist-consultant François Deck that has been adapted by Conexiones improbables and published by Artehazia Cultural Innovation, Arts and Society Association.

The initial proposals, displayed on 48 hexagonal cards  (8 of them blank to help incorporate new ideas into the game) were enriched by the contributions of people who experimented with the methodology beforehand. In contrast to the idea of “good method”, the game tackles the desires, views, experiences, roles, studies, customs, styles, resources, tools, rhythms, etc. of the protagonists and their social environment.

The game is available in six languages: Basque, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Chinese.


Methodological card game

“Improbable Challenges” is a game comprising hexagonal cards that can help participants perform two important tasks for their organisations by using this visual thinking tool: establish their strategic framework (“Strategic Challenges”, on side A of the cards) and/or their priorities for innovation and transformation (“Innovation Challenges”, on side B), according to the situation in which each organisation finds itself.

The tool can also be used by individuals (entrepreneurs, company executives...) or as a group, whether it is an organisation linked to collective processes or a group of organisations in the form of clusters, federations, professional associations, etc.

The objectives can be various: to strategically orientate or define territorial policies (neighbourhoods, cities, regions...) or to define a public or sectorial innovation system (health, culture, education, urban planning...).

The game is played by constructing “molecular organic maps”; in other words, visual representations of the interconnection and interdependence of concepts in a natural and systematic manner, establishing links and probable and improbable challenges (with the latter providing the most interest).




Artistic Interventions in Organizations, Research, Theory and Practice. Edited by Ulla Johansson Sköldberg, Jill Woodilla, Ariane Berthoin Antal, 2016 – Routledge

Berthoin Antal, Ariane, y Nussbaum Bitran, Ilana, Intervenciones artísticas en dos contextos culturales: Irun y Schleswig-Holstein, WZB, Mayo 2015

Berthoin Antal, Ariane, y Nussbaum Bitran, Ilana, Retos abordados por las intervenciones artísticas en organizaciones: Ejemplos de Conexiones improbables 2011-2013, WZB, Octubre 2014

Berthoin Antal, Ariane, y Nussbaum Bitran, Ilana, Beneficios personales y organizacionales de las intervenciones artísticas en organizaciones realizadas por Conexiones improbables 2011-2013, WZB, Marzo 2014

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About processes of hybridisation

Managers' identity construction at work: Artistic interventions as triggers for identity work
Katarina Zambrell School of Business & Economics, Linnaeus University, Sweden


Berthoin Antal, Ariane, Manifeste, corporel et imprévisible: l’apprentissage organisationnel de la Résidence d’artistes, in: La Résidence d’artistes Eurogroup Consulting, Catalogue 5, 2011.


Camnitzer, Luis, La Enseñanza del arte como fraude, in Esfera pública, 2012/03/21.

Frodeman, Robert, Thompson, Julie, Carl Mitcham, Klein, The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, Oxford University Press, 2012

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Fotograf������­a Conexiones improbables.

Roberto Gómez de laIglesia y Arantxa Mendiharat, dirigieron Divergentes y Disonancias entre 2004 y 2009.

Grupo Xabide Ed., Disonancias 2008-09 Euskadi Catalunya.

Grupo Xabide Ed., Disonancias 2007-08, 2008.

Grupo Xabide Ed., Disonancias 2006-07, 2007.

"Connecting Arts & Business Realising The Potential for Creative Partnerships

"Creating, innovating, disrupting through A&B organisations"


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M +34 657 720 210

Conexiones improbables
C/ Herminio Madinabeitia 10
01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz

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An initiative by

Methodology recognised by the European Union as a Good Practice
for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

N.I.C.E. Award 2014
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