Acclimatisation garden of Orotava


Creative Pill 




The acclimatisation garden of Orotava (Tenerife), also referred to as the Jardín Botánico (botanical garden), has important collections of tropical plants and subtropical trees that are of considerable interest, as well as a major herbarium dedicated to the flora in the Canary Islands. It has an exhibition area of ​​20,000 square metres and conducts several research programmes on the flora and vegetation of the Canary Islands and the conservation of endemic species.



To define new ways to reach local audiences by creating various attractive products and/or services for people living on the island.



Use the word “acclimatisation” as the cornerstone of public action in order to encourage the public to become accustomed to different conditions from that of the norm, adopting new habits that include approaching and experiencing the acclimatisation garden of Orotava as an experience of their own. Develop a specific line of work with the organisation’s staff to generate a series of initiatives and actions aimed at addressing the initial challenge by using the possible resources.

To enhance the knowledge of what was dubbed the “human structure” of the garden. In other words, the perceptions and experiences of the workers as well as the habits and wishes of the local public. 



The completed work’s key concept was “acclimatisation”. The work process consisted of an in-depth understanding of both the Orotava garden’s “human structure” (including how it is perceived and experienced) and the habits and desires of the local public. Consequently, a series of staff meetings was held and some 60 general public members were polled, and although the latter expressed a strong connection to the garden, most had not visited again.

It was also decided that the staff members were the most suitable people to transmit everything that is offered by the acclimatisation garden of Orotava, because the fact that they are also locals means they can empathise with the local public and encourage them to ​​(re)visit the garden.

Based on this work, Solar Acción Cultural produced an emotional video that can be used as a way of promoting the space by focusing on local visitors. The video also includes other aspects of the garden, such as memories or anecdotes relating to it.



Solar Acción Cultural Sociedad-Lugar-Arte is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to connect culture with the public, generate new discussions and encourage artistic creation. Its actions are carried out in various spaces of the city, such as in disused places and those in which an activity is conducted other than that for which the place was conceived. It believes that the urban and social fabric surrounding spaces is responsible for and contributes to cultural proposals, understanding these as their own and converting spaces into place    

Artist Training: Idaira del Castillo



TenerifeLab 2016 is promoted by Tenerife Island Council.

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