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New European Bauhaus: Final Reflection


The last of the nine meetings of the series of conversations "What would Gropius do a century later?" organised by Conexiones improbables in the framework of the New European Bauhaus, with the support of the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government and in collaboration with Bilbao Metropoli-30 and Tabakalera, took place on Tuesday 22nd June.

A total of 52 international agents have participated in the Parallel Dialogues prior to this Final Reflection, of which 7 are organisations from the Basque Country. The intermediate conversations have been led and moderated by each of the 7 leading organisations that participated in the Initial Dialogue and they were precisely those who in this last meeting  shared the conclusions and key ideas in relation to the role of creativity and the contribution of transdisciplinarity, hybridisation and cross-fertilisation between sectors and knowledge in the development of the European future.



3.30 - 3.50 pm Brief introduction by Begoña López de Aberasturi (Technical Secretariat of Conexiones improbables) and Boris Meggiorin (moderator), and words of Bingen Zupiria (Minister of Culture and Language Policy of the Basque Government), Xavier Troussard (Head of the Policy Lab of the European Commission) and Roberto Gómez de la Iglesia (Director of Conexiones improbables).

3.50 - 4.20 pm Round of presentations of the main ideas (3 minutes per person) by leader orgnaisations

4.20 - 5.20 pm Common Reflection 

5.20 - 5.30 pm Closing remarks, farewell and acknowledgements

Video of the final reflection

Three key ideas

Organised by:                                                                      In the framework of:                      

With the support of:

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Partner organisations:


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