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Workshop Improbable Innovation Focus

Improbable Innovation Path Workshop is aimed at people from the same organisation (whether a company, institution team, sector group, etc.) working together to define their strategic challenges and/or determine their innovation challenges.

It uses the methodological resource of the same name, the “Improbable Challenges” card game, which involves a process of visual thinking based on a series of hexagonal cards that help players work towards creating “molecular organic maps” in order to begin defining the main focus of their organisation. This technique is often accompanied by others, such as the business model generation canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur or consulting tools.

The workshop is personalised to suit the situation of each organisation and its defining features. Therefore, it has a variable duration and can run from four hours (the usual period of time to set innovation challenges) to 16 hours (for specific cases of strategic challenges).


Each side of the cards represents a different game. One is the Innovation Challenges game, which helps players to set the priorities of the organisation’s innovation policy. Although it can be used as a stand-alone activity at any time, the game is sometimes played in the initial phase of the relationship between the artists and companies, especially in the medium- and long-term processes, in order to compare or specify the starting points of the processes.

The other side of the cards is the Strategic Challenges game, which seeks to define the organisation’s strategic framework, direction and essence. It is commonly used separately as an alternative to traditional methods in order to tackle strategic considerations in a participatory manner and with a very high degree of internalisation of the process by all those.



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An initiative by

Methodology recognised by the European Union as a Good Practice
for Developing Entrepreneurship and the Promotion of Innovation 2018

N.I.C.E. Award 2014
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